De-Stress and Detoxify Dermatitis Away

Allergies, skin exposure to certain types of chemicals, fabrics or too much dirt and even sun can result to the itchy, occasionally painful inflammation of the skin which many people refer to as dermatitis. This can be triggered by the use of certin perfumes, lotions, shampoo, soap and other cosmetics your may be allergic too. Likewise, certain synthetic fabrics and laundry detergents and softeners on your clothing, sheets and fabrics can trigger these adverse skin reactions, especially for babies and children as well as those with extremely sensitive skin.

Dermatitis manifests itself in the scaling or flaking of the skin, reddening and discoloration and the appearance of rashes. Most of the time this occurs in the scalp, back, arms and legs. It can be irritating and unbearably itchy and many times humiliating.

There are a good number of ointments and anti-allergy medication that will give you relief but none of these can assure you of total treatment as well as guarantee that the skin irritations will not return. As the old adage goes, prevention is always better than the cure.

Avoid exposure to skin irritants and allergens. Identify which substances can cause allergic reactions and avoid them. Use hypo allergenic soaps when cleansing your body. Avoid perfumes and lotions or if you can't avoid them, look for products that are good for sensitive skin and are hypo allergenic.

Drink plenty of water. Water is a sure fire way of cleansing our body from toxins. along with exercise, sufficient water intake encourages perspiration which flushes out dirt, toxins and allergens from our skin thus preventing its accumulation in our pores that consequently lead to dermatitis. Cleanse your body. Take frequent baths to wash off dirt as well as freshen and cool your skin. Take extra care especially in washing the affcted area frequently using hypo allergenic soap or just plain running water.

Vitamin C has been touted to be good for the skin and ideal for the gradual treatment of dermatitis. Increase your vitamin C intake, Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables especially those known to be rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are very popular vitamin C sources. Other fruits rich in vitamin C include kiwi and strawberries. Green bell peppers have likewise been found to be rich in vitamin C.

Meanwhile, an increased intake of vegetables on the other hand increases the fiber we inject in our body for the efficient removal of toxins. As much as possible consume only organically grown vegetables and fruits as they have limited or totally no exposure to pesticides and fertilizers, which you may be allergic to.

Lastly, as tension and chronic stress can also trigger dermatitis, make sure you get enough sleep and relaxation at the end of the day. Stress can be toxic and toxicity levels in your body can manifest in skin irritations such as dermatitis. De-stress. Have a good laugh with friends. Visit the gym, jog in the park or involve yoursef in yoga and tai-chi exercises to relax your muscles and sweat it out. Remember that relaxation is by itself also a form of detoxification.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Certified Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit at - a large directory full of free natural health ebooks covering common ailments, illnesses, health conditions and natural healing techniques.

Oral or Perioral Dermatitis - It Surrounds Your Mouth

Perioral dermatitis is one of the different types of dermatitis. As the term implies, it appears on the skin surrounding the mouth, however in some cases, the condition can spread to other areas.

Many people mistake perioral dermatitis with acne, but although on the outside they look similar, they have different characteristics. It usuall yhappens because of use of skin care creams and can be also caused by your toothpaste.

In this article: Perioral Dermatitis - Dermatitis Around Your Mouth, I talk briefly about how this condition appears and why. Check it out and don't forget to rate it!

What is Dermatitis?

Do you want to know what is dermatitis? Here's a great article on the subject. Dermatitis is a common condition, yet not everybody has heard of it, sometimes it is reffered as eczema.

Dermatitis is a term that means "inflammation of the skin", it can be of various types: contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (eczema) are just some of them, and it usually comes up as red, swollen and itchy skin (keep in mind that this condition can appear in many forms varying on each person).

Dermatitis is more common than you may think, and although it affects the way the skin looks, it is no threat to our lives and cit isn't contagious. It is important to notice that there is no cure to this condition yet, but you can learn to control it and treat it.

Symptoms of Dermatitis

Since dermatitis appears in different types, the symptoms may vary, however the common ones that appear are: redness, itchy skin, swelling and lesions in the skin...

continue reading What is Dermatitis?

Dealing With Seborrheic Dermatitis on Face

Again I am victim of a recurrent spur of facial seborrheic dermatitis. You see, that is the problem when you stop treatment for a couple of days - you just have to learn to live with it...

Seborrheic dermatitis on face is annoying and looks bad, but unless you control it it just keeps coming back over and over again. My affected areas are around the nouse, near the mouth corners, the chin, and the forehead. I've noticed that when my beard starts growing, the condition gets worse, and I hate that because I like to keep my goatee.

It is good to notice that I'm feeling a mild umcomfortable feeling on my face. I guess that's the consequence of drinking and smoking the night before - even once in a while, it affects your condition.

How is Atopic Dermatitis Treated?

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common types of dermatitis, often referred as eczema. Although I have not suffered this condition personally, thanks to my work I know plenty of people who struggle to keep this condition controlled.

For all of them I've made a short introductory guide to the world of atopic dermatitis treatments:

How to Treat Atopic Dermatitis

Let's see; in there you'll find more information about two of the main products used for this skin condition treatment: emollients and topical steroids. If you've read my previous posts, you'll see that I have talked about some of the negative effects of these steroids, so I would recommend you reading that article too.

You’ll see that you can also leave your comments on that page. Feel 100% free to do it, you know I’d love to hear about you to share thoughts about coping with the different types of dermatitis. Take care!

A Little Info About Rare Types of Dermatitis

There are three rare types of dermatitis, these are:

  • Herpetiformis Dermatitis
  • Exfoliative Dermatitis
  • Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis

The three are rare skin conditions. The first one, herpetiformis dermatitis can be present on individuals of any age and sex, however it is found more among adults. The second one, exfoliative dermatitis is very dangerous, and if it is not treated properly it can be fatal. The last one, autoimmune progesterone dermatitis, is found among women and is closely related to the menstrual period.

You can read more about these types at rare types of dermatitis.

What Are The Side Effects of Topical Steroids?

When seeking medical treatment for our dermatitis problem, we are always advised by our doctor to use topical steroid. They work well to lower the skin inflammation but at the same time, they have negative side effects everyone should know about!

Let’s take a look at them:

Skin atrophy. When you use steroids over and over again you can cause skin thinning and changes in the connective tissue of dermis. You’ll notice this effect when you see the skin shiny and lax. I noticed this on the skin around my nose and I had to stop using steroids for a while to recover its state.

Tachyphylaxis. This refers to the tolerance the skin has to steroids with repeated use. After some time of steroid treatment, you’ll notice that in order to see results, you’ll need higher amounts of steroids.

Steroid Rosacea. This effect appears on fairly skinned people with rosacea.

Stretch Marks. This stretch marks appear on places where skin touches skin. These marks – result of steroid use are permanent. They can also cause itching requiring a low strength steroid.

Glaucoma. This is a disease that damages your optic nerve because of pressure inside the eye. There are studies that show this link, although the relation is not well understood.

Alteration of Infection. Steroids can null the ability to fight bacteria and fungal infections on the skin. If you put steroids on a fungal infection you can in fact worsen the condition.

What Is Diaper Rash or Diaper Dermatitis?

Diaper rash or diaper dermatitis is a type of skin inflammation that appears on babies in the form of redness with pimply spots and shiny rashes. If you have a baby, be on the lookout for the mentioned symptoms on the diaper area: buttocks, genitalia and upper thighs.

Diaper rash is something that can really irritate your baby. He or she will complain a lot and cry when you touch the area when changing diapers. During the changes, observe if there is a sign of infection (red bumps, blisters, pus or swollen areas).

If you find that your baby is suffering from this type of dermatitis, don’t be too concerned. These diaper rashes are very common and can happen to anyone, even when trying to prevent them.

Insights on a Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment on "Sew Many Things"

If you've suffered from SD (Seborrheic Dermatitis) for quite some time, you know how much of a struggle is to keep it under control. And yes - you can only keep it under control because this is a condition that can't be cured.

Not only that, to make things worse, doctors prescribe steroids that are known to cause side effects on the long term (like thinning the skin, and in some cases ostheoporosis). So, it is good to hear about how other people approach the treatment of SD without using potentially-problematic products. Take for example this detailed post about seborrheic dermatitis I found on a blog called "Sew Many Things". In it, Kira, the writer of the blog, talks about her new approach to seborrheic dermatitis.

I've already took some notes from the post! We are living in times when many of the so called "medical cures" only bring new conditions. Check out also her results photos. You can see the great improvement!

What is Eczema? A Little Information about Eczema

Eczema is how many people called atopic dermatitis. This is a chronic skin condition that often appears during infancy. It appears as redness and swelling of the skin. It also itches a lot.

This itching can happen at any time, but it worsens at night, and can be a real torture. Patients even scratch while they sleep!

The cause of this condition is not yet well known, someone think this has to do allergies, but the studies are not yet conclusive on this topic. Another of the roots can be the genes. There are many people suffering from eczema, you can read more about it at Atopic Eczema.

Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common condition. I suffer from it, and I didn't knew it until a year of having the symptoms. i though it was just dry skin, but then the redness appear.

If you want to to learn more about this topic, go to:

Seborrheic Dermatitis on Face

This is another lens I've made to provide more insight about this condition. The one thing that you must accept is that you'll have to live with seborrheic dermatitis for the rest of your life. You can learn how to do this following a simple treatment steps.

Let's Learn about Dermatitis

The first thing to talk about this condition, is to learn a littlo more about it. You may have it without knowing, so a little extra knowledge can't hurt right?

Well to start I want to point out to two sites that I think explain well this condition. The first one is About Skin Dermatitis, a site that has an explanation for all the different types of dermatitis. It is very complete and easy to browse.

The other is entitled "About Dermatitis and Its Symptoms", and well, it is a Squidoo lens with must-read information in a concese-written style. Short and to the point, if you want to avoid lenghty explanations.

Welcome to About Dermatitis

Hi, welcome to my blog. I hop you find what you are looking for about dermatitis. My name is Gregory and I suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, in this blog I will try to provide you with great info online about dermatitis, treatments and ways to cope better with it.

Stay in touch, don't forget to add me to your RSS feed!

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