What Is Diaper Rash or Diaper Dermatitis?

Diaper rash or diaper dermatitis is a type of skin inflammation that appears on babies in the form of redness with pimply spots and shiny rashes. If you have a baby, be on the lookout for the mentioned symptoms on the diaper area: buttocks, genitalia and upper thighs.

Diaper rash is something that can really irritate your baby. He or she will complain a lot and cry when you touch the area when changing diapers. During the changes, observe if there is a sign of infection (red bumps, blisters, pus or swollen areas).

If you find that your baby is suffering from this type of dermatitis, don’t be too concerned. These diaper rashes are very common and can happen to anyone, even when trying to prevent them.


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